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A student of our college, Zheng Yujia, won 4 silver and 1 bronze MEDALS in the swimming competition at the BRICS Games

October 24, 2023

The BRICS Games was held in Durban, South Africa, from October 17th to 22nd, 2023. The participating countries were South Africa, China, Russia and India. Fifty athletes from the Chinese delegation participated in 5 major events (i.e., swimming, table tennis, badminton, tennis and beach volleyball) and 53 minor events.

Zheng Yujia, a student majoring in sports training at the College of Physical Education of Shenzhen University, participated in the swimming competition of the BRICS Games as a member of the Chinese delegation. She tried her best to win glory for her country and won 4 silver MEDALS and 1 bronze MEDALS.

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